We pride ourselves on attention to detail and the ability to regularly provide a bulk material handling technology.
We offer a wide range of services all delivered in a professional fashion. The attention to detail and personal touch from our management team enables us to meet and even exceed our client’s expectations time and time again.
Here are just a few of our experience:
Weighbridge PT. Semen Tonasa
Mechanical Sampler PT. Insani Baraperkasa
Dust Suppression System PT. Insani Baraperkasa
Metal Detector PT BRK Tehnik
Magnetic Separator PT. Insani Baraperkasa
Sandblasting and Painting PT. Kutai Energi
Workshop Fabrication and Erection PT. Kutai Energi
Material Handling Planning and Design PT. Jasa Mitra Karya
Frame Gallery Conveyor Repair PT. Bukit Baiduri Energi
Installasi Magnetic Separator PT. Masusskita United
Weighbridge PT. Loa Haur
Upgrading Crusher Plant PT. Artha Satria Paningit